Filmografía de Anne-Vibeke Mogensen como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Anne-Vibeke Mogensen

🎭 Sangdame
The film follows a group of friends and their highs and lows in pursuit of romantic redemption. It takes place over three years and is divided into eight parties : New Year's Eve, one housewarmin ...
🎭 Radioreceptionist
21 de enero de 1968, un bombardero B-52 estadounidense que transportaba cargas nucleares se ha estrellado en el hielo polar cerca de la base militar aérea norteamericana en Thule, Groenlandia. U ...
🎭 Ulla
Hans and Beate are a happy couple. They have two cute children and are well off financially. Furthermore, Hans is on his way up another rung on the career ladder. Everything looks good. There is ...