Filmografía de Alfred Beierle como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Alfred Beierle

🎭 Portier Glinka
The young hotel manager Leutner runs for study purposes a transmitter in the hotel room of his fiancée Maria. Coincidentally he learns that a gang of counterfeiters want to get rid of a troubles ...
🎭 Putzke, Besitzer eines Warenhauses
🎭 Müller, Hoteldetektiv
One autumn, Edgar, a 12 year old boy, spends a holiday with his mother at a plush hotel in Switzerland. His father, a busy lawyer, remains at the family home in Vienna. When he sees a stylish mot ...
🎭 Kriminalbeamter Kube
🎭 Dr. Weber, Kriminalkommissar
When Albers takes his drug-addicted opera star sister Gerda to a sanitarium, they both become targets of slimy dope peddler Peter Lorre, who fears that Gerda will blow the whistle on him. Lorre k ...
🎭 Kriminalkommissar
At a hotel in a resort town in the Bavarian Alps, a retired district attorney from Chicago is shot dead. Crime reporter Peter Holm is on the spot and joins in the murder investigation. ...
🎭 Passkommissar
Based on the true story of a cobbler who bought a second-hand captain's uniform, assumed command of a troop of guardsmen, declared the town of Köpenick under military law, arrested the mayor an ...
🎭 Arena-Director
🎭 Moeller, Kriminalkommissar
During the shooting of a jealousy scene on a soundstage, one actress is murdered. Due to the fact that the male star of the movie had a relation with the victim and the female star is now his fia ...