Melodramas y telenovelas de Alexandre Alves

Series de Alexandre Alves filtradas por género

🎭 Camera Operator
This is the story of a young couple, Dafne and Gabriel, who are separated by her grandfather Jaques, a millionaire who couldn’t handle that his granddaughter was in love with a poor guy. After ...
🎭 Camera Operator
Brazilian telenovela based on the 1985 telenovela of the same name. ...
🎭 Camera Operator
An ambitious woman who, for love, abandons Law School and ends up in the criminal world. A policewoman who dreams about becominga MMA championwhile fighting organized crime. A young dreamer torn ...
🎭 Camera Operator
When she was a young girl, Heloisa was harshly torn apart from the love of her life: Pedro, a straightforward romantic young man whose powerful family strongly believes the ends always do justify ...