Películas familiares de 阪脩

Películas de 阪脩 filtradas por género

🎭 Old Ichi (voice)
An elderly dog goes to a time machine, which he plans to use to drive to the future so he can meet with "someone" who gives him a kendama. However, the machine goes haywire and the dog is regress ...
🎭 Mamma Aiuto Gang (voice)
In Italy in the 1930s, sky pirates in biplanes terrorize wealthy cruise ships as they sail the Adriatic Sea. The only pilot brave enough to stop the scourge is the mysterious Porco Rosso, a forme ...
🎭 Mike Hamilton (voice)
Un capitán y su tripulación viajan por el universo en un barco que puede viajar durante 20 años, mientras que la tripulación solo envejecerá 1 año. Pronto, la tripulación se da cuenta de q ...
🎭 British Delegate (voice)
After a successful robbery leaves famed thief Lupin the Third and his partner Jigen with nothing but a large amount of expertly crafted counterfeit bills, he decides to track down the forgers res ...