Series dramáticas de Виталий Хаев

Series de Виталий Хаев filtradas por género

🎭 Anatoliy Platonov
A journalist of "American Post" Alex Wilson wrote a scorcher of a critique on unreachable “American dream” and "won" a termless business trip to Russia. At first he is terrified by thinking o ...
🎭 Иван Родионов, онколог, друг Рихтера
🎭 Lokomotiv coach
Football is an international language that transcends generations, nationalities, class and religion. Former professional footballer, a current scout, loner and alcoholic Phil forms an unlikely f ...
🎭 Александр Борисович Миронов (отец Яны, медицинский чиновник)
Graduate students in the Historical Museum find a diary dated 1919. In the diary, the author confesses to the murder of five people. The terrible deeds of the past are the key to unraveling a num ...