Thrillers, películas de suspense de 장소연

Películas de 장소연 filtradas por género

🎭 Jung-seok's Sister
Cuatro años después de la epidemia zombie, Corea sigue infestada de monstruos y el soldado Jung-seok, que escapó del país, se ve obligado a regresar a Seúl para recuperar un objeto valioso. ...
🎭 Action officer Park
Hyunjin, a test taker, moves into an old apartment. There are strange sounds from next door where a strange boy named Hyunggu lives. One day, Hyunggu and his mother are cruelly murdered. ...
🎭 Banquet Hall Beauties
Jong-dae and Yong-ki make a living by picking up paper and empty bottles. Both then join different gangster clan and becomes involved in a struggle of political interests over development in Gang ...
🎭 Baek-jung's wife
Cuenta la historia de una reportera de televisión al rescate de su hermano secuestrado por una trama de contrabandistas de cuerpos, con una cabeza cortada de protagonista, sectas religiosas, pol ...
🎭 Do-man Hotel Staff
A Korean man in China takes an assassination job in South Korea to make money and find his missing wife. But when the job is botched, he is forced to go on the run from the police and the gangste ...