Series de misterio de 정원중

Series de 정원중 filtradas por género

🎭 Ma Hyun-Cheol
Eulji Hae-Yi, a lawyer at a big law firm, is a kiss-up to those with power, but looks down upon those who are poor. When she meets death-row convict Jang Hwa-Sa in room 9 in the prison visitation ...
🎭 Mo Cheol-hee
Mo Seok-hee is an only child and her father runs the large company MC Group. She is beautiful, smart and rich. Mo Seok-hee appears like she is arrogant, but she struggles over her mother’s deat ...
🎭 Go Hyeong-soo
Following the case of the murder of a professor at South Korea's top prestigious law school, professors and students become suspects in the murder. ...