Series sobre crímenes Сергей Мардарь

Series de Сергей Мардарь filtradas por género

🎭 подполковник
🎭 «Художник» - бомбист
In this TV-series the events of the beginning of the 20th century in Russia are highlighted. Revolutioners, terrorists, spies - and investigator Putilovskii and his team fight them as best they c ...
🎭 abbot
The action takes place in Victorian England in the last quarter of the 19th century. 27-year-old amateur detective Sherlock Holmes becomes a bystander to a crime along with Dr. John Watson, a mil ...
🎭 Suvorov School Head
In the late 1980s, when “perestroika” was taking place in the USSR and the era of the Soviet Union was about to collapse, life became unstable and very different. The 1980s brought not only f ...