Series de humor Елизавета Арзамасова

Series de Елизавета Арзамасова filtradas por género

🎭 Галина Сергеевна
The protagonist - a family psychotherapist from a small private clinic, Sergey Vasnetsov, found himself in a deplorable life situation. His wife left him, leaving his five daughters in his care: ...
🎭 self/guest
The "Big Difference" is created not only for the audience, but also for those who became the hero of the parody - TV presenters and actors. A guest who comes to the studio seems to see himself th ...
🎭 Галина Сергеевна
The curse of the Vasnetsovs overtakes the already grown-up daughters of a family psychotherapist. On the eve of the next wedding anniversary, Dasha runs away from home, leaving the workaholic Ven ...