Series de humor Юрий Стоянов

Series de Юрий Стоянов filtradas por género

🎭 Евгений Геннадьевич Евдокимов
🎭 Matvey Platonovich Piotrovsky
Moscow, year 1982. Scientist Matvey Pyotrovsky creates a time machine and conducts a scientific experiment, which divides the apartment in two parts. It's first part is left in the 80-s with the ...
🎭 дед Слава/ Святослав Вернидубович
Grandpa Slava is the oldest of the Midland vampire family. They live quietly. They live by the law. They live the unremarkable life of an ordinary Russian family and they never kill humans – ev ...
🎭 Вячеслав Соколов