Películas de aventuras de Zdzisław Leśniak

Películas de Zdzisław Leśniak filtradas por género

🎭 Reporter
Animated film about two young boys, Bolek and Lolek, who seek to fulfill the last will of Phileas Fogg who decided that his inheritor would be the one who made an identical round the world journe ...
🎭 Bartolomeo
The protagonists of the film are two brothers - Smaller and Big, Filomena and the dog Klops. Big has problems at school, so he decides to run away from home. His brother decides to find him. ...
🎭 Włoski kupiec
🎭 Paluch
Mirek Kubiak is a primary school student. Like his friends, he is fascinated by Indians and would like to become a brave Apache. Uncle Eligiusz from America comes to his house. The boy becomes em ...