Películas de aventuras de Yoram Ben-Ami

Películas de Yoram Ben-Ami filtradas por género

🎭 Executive Producer
During a championship baseball match, the three brothers hear that their grandfather in Japan is in trouble, and head out to help him, conceding the match. When they arrive in Japan, they must us ...
🎭 Producer
Brooke Adams plays a woman who has to put up with Brian Dennehy's character if she wants to get across a desolate section of Africa. They fight and naturally sparks fly. ...
🎭 Executive Producer
Sheena's parents are killed while on Safari. She is raised by the mystical witch woman of an African tribe. When her foster mother is framed for the murder of a political leader, Sheena and a new ...
🎭 Assistant Director
Sean Kane is forced to resign from the San Francisco Police Department's Narcotics Division when he goes berserk after his partner is murdered. He decides to fight alone and follows a trail of dr ...