Películas románticas de Xavier Georges

Películas de Xavier Georges filtradas por género

🎭 Assistant Set Decoration
In the mid-18th Century, as England and France battle over control of Canada, an epic romance between a peasant woman and a trapper unfurls ...
👔 Assistant Set Decoration
Desde el momento en que Matthew ve a Lisa por primera vez, se convierte en su obsesión. Ella pasa delante del escaparate de la tienda en la que él trabaja en el barrio de Wicker Park de Chicago ...
🎭 Set Dresser
Archie Grey Owl is a trapper in Canada in the early 1930s when a young Iroquois woman from town asks him to teach her Indian ways. They live in the woods, where she is appalled at how trapped ani ...
🎭 Construction Coordinator
After escaping unscathed from a car accident, photo model Simone decides that having a baby is the only way to give her vacant life some meaning. She asks her best friend Philippe to get her preg ...