Comedias de Wojciech Gąssowski

Películas de Wojciech Gąssowski filtradas por género

🎭 singer
Raised in Warsaw's Praga, Mirka graduated from the prestigious faculty of law. It would seem that her profession would even be detracted from the honor of a family with cunning roots. The girl's ...
🎭 komentator na meczu "Czarni" - "Powiśle"
Laguna was once a great soccer player whose career was interrupted by an injury. He spent years climbing the ranks to become an international referee. He sees the prevailing arrangements, manipul ...
🎭 Soloist of the Youth Group (uncredited)
An engineer comes home from abroad to his waiting wife. After some time, his second wife, an Italian one, joins him. For a small town, such a triangle will turn out to be unacceptable, especially ...