Películas románticas de Vera Schmiterlöw

Películas de Vera Schmiterlöw filtradas por género

🎭 Bessie
Kalle and his girlfriend Blenda is on his way home from Tivoli, when he says that he will be away for two years as mate on a sailing ship, but swears her eternal fidelity. During the trip takes o ...
Paul is a student does not devote to much time for studies. He enjoys the pleasures of life. Babette is a girl who dreams about a life in luxury. Paul falls in love with Babette. ...
🎭 Babette
Frau Bessie, once a madcap, aristocratic and modern Swedish fraulein, has become now a whimsical and conservative Swedish burgess after her marriage to Herr Thomas Graal. The destabilization of t ...