Películas dramáticas de Toshiie Tomida

Películas de Toshiie Tomida filtradas por género

👔 Casting
Basada en una popular novela de Alessandro Baricco. Hervé Joncour (Michael Pitt), un mercader francés del siglo XIX que se dedica al comercio de la seda, está casado con Helene (Keira Knightle ...
🎭 Producer
The erotic novelist Taeko is writing a morbid story of a family destroyed by incest, murder and abuse. Her assistant, Yuji, sets on a mission to uncover the reality of this story, but the reality ...
🎭 Producer
When 54 high school girls throw themselves in front of a subway train it appears to be only the beginning of a string of suicides around the country. Does the new all-girl group Desert have anyth ...