Películas dramáticas de 吉江輝成

Películas de 吉江輝成 filtradas por género

🎭 Producer
Four years after the events of SHIROBAKO the series, Musashino Animation has gone through unprecedented changes and things are looking bleak for the studio. One day, Aoi Miyamori is offered a rol ...
🎭 Music Producer
Even when you're fortunate enough to live in a place as beautiful as the country village of Asahigaoka, you should never turn down the chance to explore someplace else. So, when Suguru wins a fre ...
🎭 Music Producer
Maquia is a member of a special race called the Iorph who can live for hundreds of years. However, Maquia has always felt lonely despite being surrounded by her people, as she was orphaned from a ...
🎭 Music Producer
After succumbing to an unenviable fate, Kiritsugu Emiya has left Shirou Emiya the duty to save mankind in his place. The world is dying and time is ticking, but when the salvation Shirou seeks is ...