Documentales de Syaiful Anwar

Películas de Syaiful Anwar filtradas por género

🎭 Director of Photography
This film tries to read the idea of film archiving in the mind of Misbach Yusa Biran. A character who gave his entire life to preserve and reinterpret the discourse of film as a source of Indones ...
🎭 Director
A piece of story which has been taken from two young men from Rangkasbitung – it’s a small town which has a distance 120 kilometers from the capital city of Jakarta. Kiwong and Iron have a pr ...
🎭 Cinematography
A piece of story which has been taken from two young men from Rangkasbitung – it’s a small town which has a distance 120 kilometers from the capital city of Jakarta. Kiwong and Iron have a pr ...
🎭 Editor
A piece of story which has been taken from two young men from Rangkasbitung – it’s a small town which has a distance 120 kilometers from the capital city of Jakarta. Kiwong and Iron have a pr ...