Películas dramáticas de Susan Kelber

Películas de Susan Kelber filtradas por género

🎭 Hairstylist
Based on a real-life story, this drama focuses on a small group of Allied soldiers in Burma who are held captive by the Japanese. Capt. Ernest Gordon (Ciaran McMenamin), Lt. Jim Reardon (Kiefer S ...
🎭 Hairstylist
After a man is accused of driving his third wife to suicide, his first wife Hedda, a troubled woman who can't hate or hurt others even if they had wronged her, is subpoenaed to testify on his abu ...
🎭 Hairstylist
After the death of her husband, Jody and her daughter Samantha return to her home town. Sometimes she leaves Samantha with her old friend Winn. Only after an accident a doctor discovers that she ...
🎭 Hairstylist
A luxury home, a handsome husband and terrific children. But it all comes crashing down when she is accused of being a mastermind behind a brutal triple-homicide and is arrested and handcuffed in ...
👔 Hairstylist