Comedias de Stephen Halbert

Películas de Stephen Halbert filtradas por género

👔 Sound Mixer
Sean (Dr. Dre) y Dee Loc (Snoop Dogg) son dos amigos que comparten un apartamento, pero tienen dificultades para pagar el alquiler después de que Sean pierde su trabajo. A continuación, consigu ...
🎭 Sound Mixer
Upon getting out of prison, a man who took the rap for some thief buddies gets together with them again, and tells them he's not interested in doing things with them any more. They stick a dead b ...
🎭 Production Sound Mixer
Mock documentary about an upstart candidate for the U.S. Senate written and directed by actor Tim Robbins. Bob Roberts is a folksinger with a difference: He offers tunes that protest welfare chis ...
👔 Boom Operator
🎭 Sound Engineer
This surreal cartoon follows Quasi, Anita and their pet robot Rollo to the Quackadero, a futuristic amusement park where thoughts, time, dreams and memories become playthings for the weird and wa ...