Musicales de Stéphanie d'Oustrac

Películas de Stéphanie d'Oustrac filtradas por género

🎭 Mignon
Meet Mignon , a shy and ingenuous young girl ignorant of her past, who will see her quest for identity upset by a terrible love triangle. ...
🎭 Ascagne
This epic opera follows Virgil, beginning as the Greeks appear to have ceded the field after ten years of the Trojan War. Cassandra tries to warn of the terrible fate to come, but fate is set and ...
🎭 Léoena, courtisane
This is a joy from beginning to end. Although there are many tricks and ideas from Laurent Pelly, as always he seems to still retain the Offenbach magic. La Lott and Monsieur Beuron are a joy, bu ...