Películas históricas de Somnath Kundu

Películas de Somnath Kundu filtradas por género

🎭 Makeup Artist
Jatindranath Mukherjee is an Indian independence activist. He is the principal leader of the Jugantar party that is the central association of revolutionary independence activists in Bengal. ...
🎭 Makeup & Hair
As Byomkesh Bakshi tries to solve a murder mystery, a myth of a buried treasure at the fort surfaces following a bizarre series of deaths. How does BB demystify the case? Adaptation of the adven ...
🎭 Makeup Artist
Indubala Bhaater Hotel chronicles Indubala's journey from being a carefree young girl in a pristine village in Bangladesh to being an entrepreneur in her own right in Kolkata amid the desolation ...
👔 Makeup Department Head