Documentales de Sidney Pearson

Películas de Sidney Pearson filtradas por género

🎭 Sound Editor
This short documentary is about Mike Duff, a Canadian motorcycle racer, and the sport that almost killed him. After a near-fatal crash in Japan and extensive surgery and therapy, Duff returned to ...
👔 Sound Recordist
🎭 Sound Editor
In the fall of 1964, just over a year before his death, Buster Keaton traveled to Canada to make The Railrodder, a short subject that now enjoys a small cult following. Documenting this mobile pr ...
👔 Sound Editor
🎭 Sound Editor
This short 1964 documentary depicts the national sport of French Canadians: hockey. Seen "from the inside" this seemingly simple game turns out to be not so simple. Hockey is dream of mythic prop ...
🎭 Sound Editor
This short documentary features Canadian contralto Maureen Forrester as she sings at the Festival Casals, a musical event founded by the great Spanish cellist and conductor Pablo Casals and spons ...