Películas dramáticas de Shahnaz Dulaimy

Películas de Shahnaz Dulaimy filtradas por género

🎭 Editor
Israel is sealed off after the outbreak of a deadly virus and Gaza has become the safest place in the region, leaving a British journalist and his Israeli girlfriend trapped on the wrong side of ...
👔 Editor
Es el invierno de 2018, los hombres y mujeres del ejército de los EAU se despliegan para brindar ayuda. En la base de Mocha, los ánimos están altos ya que tres soldados emiratíes anticipan un ...
🎭 Editor
Hayat, a 12-year-old strong-willed girl, lives in a poor fishing village governed by dark tradition, in which every family must give away a daughter to the sea creatures who inhabit the waters ne ...