Películas familiares de S. Maruti Rao

Películas de S. Maruti Rao filtradas por género

🎭 Director of Photography
Anandhan grows up in an orphanage where Kalimuthu, the manager, mistreats the children. Soon, things get worse when Anandhan gets kidnapped after Kalimuthu learns that he is the heir of a rich fa ...
🎭 Director of Photography
When Vimala’s wayward lover Rajnikant is killed by her brother Mohan, the brother is sheltered from the police by the victim’s blind father, Major Chandrakanth. The major’s elder son, the z ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Twins, who were separated at birth, reunite to bring together their divorced parents. A remake of Disney’s The Parent Trap, this uproarious comedy was a smash hit thanks to the melodious tunes ...