Telefilms de Robert M. Baldwin

Películas de Robert M. Baldwin filtradas por género

🎭 Director of Photography
Jimmy Pearls, a directionless young drifter, kills Henry Logan's son and two other men after he found out that they murdered Jimmy's parents for their land. Trying to get away from Logan's vengea ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Brady Hawkes and Billy Montana join forces once again in this new adventure. This time around their goal is to help the Sioux fight the government and get the supplies they need. They also uncove ...
👔 Director of Photography
🎭 Director of Photography
Wildlife in the massive Central American rain forest stretching across parts of Belize, Costa Rica and Panama. Observed: three-toed sloths, army ants and a jaguar. ...
🎭 Cinematography
TV movie based on the singer's life, under his mother's thumb, competing with the ghost of one of the most famous singers in C&W music history, and aspiring to rise above it all. ...