Películas de aventuras de Raúl Cárdenas

Películas de Raúl Cárdenas filtradas por género

🎭 Production Design
During his vacations, 12-year-old Manuel travels by train with his mother to the Sierra Tarahumara to spend a few days with his father, who works in the mountains with the indigenous people prote ...
🎭 Production Design
Wanted to fly to the sky ...And one day he got it When a child dares to steal the keys to the orphanage, guarded by a soldier, is exposed to too many dangers. This is the story of that child, fre ...
👔 Production Design
El próximo matrimonio de los novios Priscila y Bernardo (Valentín Trujillo) fusionará las haciendas de sus respectivos padres. Pero Aurelio ama a Priscila y desea ser dueño de las tierras del ...