Películas del Oeste / Westerns de Pietro Vesperini

Películas de Pietro Vesperini filtradas por género

🎭 Sound
After witnessing a brutal massacre, the legendary hero Sartana is ready to do some investigating. Almost everyone in the tiny town of Indian Creek seems eager to buy up the property left behind b ...
🎭 Sound
Sartana, bounty hunter and gunfighter, witnesses the robbery of a shipment of gold. He finds his way into town where he meets with a lot of suspicious stares from the locals. He also meets with S ...
🎭 Sound Engineer
During the American Civil War, a Confederate prisoner, Clyde McKay, attempts to steal a box of gold from a Union prison camp. He is aided by a group of prisoners and a prison guard but he is doub ...
🎭 Sound
A major of the dissolved southern army gives a dollar to a young cowboy, Alan Burton, telling him that there are two other similar dollars with different figures on them; the three numbers combin ...