Películas dramáticas de Piero Bargellini

Películas de Piero Bargellini filtradas por género

👔 Special Effects
A pesar de la repentina e inesperada muerte de Douglas, su viuda Catherina no puede anular una importante gira. La famosa cantante de ópera tiene que dar un concierto en Italia y toma la decisià ...
🎭 Director
To me, to go to the window and look outside is like watching a film. Filming is a way to draw out the condition of spectator and alienate it. I made this film very instinctively, naturally. Now I ...
🎭 Director
Amateur footage, filming of dubious origin, chromatic alterations and hard-core details in an alienating and curious collage with sinister and gloomy voices reciting poems of the beat generation. ...