Películas dramáticas de Petri Kiljunen

Películas de Petri Kiljunen filtradas por género

👔 First Assistant Camera
Pasi regresa a la ciudad de su infancia y se le pide que reconfigure la fábrica local de madera contrachapada. Con un niño en camino con su esposa de clase alta, Pasi ve una oportunidad: este e ...
🎭 First Assistant Camera
Inkeri, 75, has hit her husband on the head with a solid iron frying pan and is planning to bury him in their garden. Before facing the rest of her life in prison, there may yet be a moment left ...
🎭 First Assistant Camera
Unrest breaks out in eastern Helsinki as a Finnish family man gets hospitalized in the summer of 2015. Gangs of young people are burning down cars and public buildings, confronting the security g ...
🎭 First Assistant Camera
Self-taught philosopher Konsta Pylkkänen guides a group of researchers through Finland's Kainuu wilderness in the hopes of having a "sinistä ajatusta", idea out of the blue. While firing upon a ...
🎭 First Assistant Camera
Visa Vuorio, a 35-year old team leader at the Helsinki city gardening department, is suffering from a terminal neurological disease and only has a few months to live. Because of this, he is a mem ...
👔 Second Assistant Camera
1966, Tomppa y sus amigos Krisu y Kari ya se les está quedando pequeño su negocio de venta ilegal de alcohol en Punavuori, Helsinki. A base de puño y mal carácter expanden su territorio y aum ...
🎭 Second Assistant Camera
There is civil war in Finland between "Whites" and "Reds". A woman soldier of the Reds is captured by the Whites. She is ordered to be executed. A lieutenant is enforced into a homosexual relati ...
🎭 Second Assistant Camera
Haunted by his traumatic past and cautious about the prospects of an uncertain future, a fourteen year old boy named Juhani winds up in an isolated boys' home known as The Island. Juhani has been ...
👔 Second Assistant Camera