Comedias de Petri Kiljunen

Películas de Petri Kiljunen filtradas por género

🎭 First Assistant Camera
Inkeri, 75, has hit her husband on the head with a solid iron frying pan and is planning to bury him in their garden. Before facing the rest of her life in prison, there may yet be a moment left ...
🎭 First Assistant Camera
When Kattilakoski family goes on a week-long Summer vacation to a rented cottage, the local police constables Bigbelly and Stronglass are joyful. Finally one week of peace! Their joy doubles when ...
👔 Assistant Camera
🎭 Second Assistant Camera
Lapland Odyssey is a comedy about Janne, a man from Lapland in northern Finland, a man who has made a career out of living on welfare. Inari, his girlfriend, is tired of Janne's incapability of g ...
🎭 First Assistant Camera
Self-taught philosopher Konsta Pylkkänen guides a group of researchers through Finland's Kainuu wilderness in the hopes of having a "sinistä ajatusta", idea out of the blue. While firing upon a ...
🎭 First Assistant Camera
Visa Vuorio, a 35-year old team leader at the Helsinki city gardening department, is suffering from a terminal neurological disease and only has a few months to live. Because of this, he is a mem ...
👔 Second Assistant Camera