Películas dramáticas de Pedro Valdivieso

Películas de Pedro Valdivieso filtradas por género

🎭 Señor tímido
Evaristo es un padre de familia con cuatro hijos al que desahucian de su piso, pero no logra encontrar una vivienda para su familia que se ajuste al poco dinero que gana. Mientras prueba suerte p ...
🎭 Tomás
A young fisherman wishing for a better life will become a smuggler and even involve his friends if necessary. He will make it even worse with his improper concern for his brother's beautiful wife ...
Hyacinth, a former matador who lives miserably with his nephew Pepote, receives a letter reminding him that, as agreed a few days before, he must participate in a bullfight to be held that same a ...