Thrillers, películas de suspense de Pat Ryan

Películas de Pat Ryan filtradas por género

🎭 Detective Examining Tape-Recorder (uncredited)
A composer (Laurence Payne) is stuck in a middle-class marriage and finds that his affair with his wife's half-sister (Jane Griffiths) has resulted in a pregnancy. When his wife refuses to give h ...
🎭 Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Scotland Yard detectives attempt to solve a spate of safe robberies across England beginning with clues found at the latest burglary in London. The film is notable for using a police procedural s ...
🎭 Man in Arcade (uncredited)
The hero discovers his estranged wife dead and tries to frame her lover for the murder. He becomes involved with the criminals who make various unsuccessful attempts on his life while the police ...