Comedias de Paloma Ramírez de Loaysa

Películas de Paloma Ramírez de Loaysa filtradas por género

🎭 Assistant Editor
🎭 Assistant Editor
In the year 1595, in a Spanish village lives the miller Diego, irresistible to the local girls. Meanwhile, a friar arrives in the village on his way to Santiago de Compostela, and is mistaken for ...
🎭 Assistant Editor
A confirmed bachelor, over his sixties, is finally decided to marry, with the primary objective of having a son to inherit his business of coaches for tourists. Held the wedding, descendants don' ...
🎭 Assistant Editor
Manolo (Fernando Esteso) is a porn actor who no longer has any attraction towards women, having become "a decent man". But, of course, there is a horny doctor, who happens to be a fan of this act ...
👔 Assistant Editor
Amadeo es un mediocre empleado de banca que nunca alcanzará ese tranquilo nivel económico con el que todo el mundo sueña. Tampoco Fermín tiene muy seguro su futuro; cobra el paro y hace chapu ...
🎭 Assistant Editor
🎭 Assistant Editor
Medieval erotic comedy in which a young man, played by Manolo Otero, comes to a town where he pretends to be tooth-puller and physician. This man is able to invent any potion to quench the sexual ...