Películas dramáticas de Pablo Patlis

Películas de Pablo Patlis filtradas por género

🎭 Patricio
Grupos ecologistas se oponen a que la Reserva ecológica de Buenos Aires se urbanice y uno de los ejecutivos de la empresa se enamora de una fotógrafa proteccionista. ...
🎭 Mimi
Buenos Aires, 1955. One of a family of Sicilian immigrants, the adolescent Laura is on the threshold of adulthood. Her father Francesco Lojacono, is a humble tailor whose relationship with his da ...
🎭 Asistente de García Del Campo
A man tries to rob a bank and the bank's clerk, a yuppie, pretends the thief has kidnapped him to help him run away. While they're running away, they meet a girl who becomes part of the team. ...