Comedias de Pablo Isola

Películas de Pablo Isola filtradas por género

🎭 Sound
The arrival of a package to the newsroom of a run-down sports magazine triggers an investigation that would indicate that the first World Cup was played in 1926, won by Argentina and for some rea ...
🎭 Sound Post Production Coordinator
The arrival of a package to the newsroom of a run-down sports magazine triggers an investigation that would indicate that the first World Cup was played in 1926, won by Argentina and for some rea ...
🎭 Sound Mixer
The arrival of a package to the newsroom of a run-down sports magazine triggers an investigation that would indicate that the first World Cup was played in 1926, won by Argentina and for some rea ...
👔 Sound
Tres historias absurdas de amor y crimen. Un hombre roba el anillo de diamantes de su esposa y lo vende para comprar un flipper. Tres amigas viajan a la costa para comprar un flipper pero son est ...
🎭 Sound Designer
Yolanda hires Nicki Nicole and Rocío Ro-Ro for a robbery. They furtively get their hands on a drug load. The Princesita will go on a hunt to get back what belongs to her. ...
🎭 Sound Mixer
Yolanda hires Nicki Nicole and Rocío Ro-Ro for a robbery. They furtively get their hands on a drug load. The Princesita will go on a hunt to get back what belongs to her. ...
🎭 Sound
A group of working-class losers plot to give an old gypsy mobster a heart attack in order to recover a valuable car. They decide to build a monster to scare him to death. But they're looking for ...
🎭 Sound Mixer
A group of working-class losers plot to give an old gypsy mobster a heart attack in order to recover a valuable car. They decide to build a monster to scare him to death. But they're looking for ...