Películas de acción de N. K. Vishwanathan

Películas de N. K. Vishwanathan filtradas por género

🎭 Director of Photography
Manikkam saves a rich man's life who, in return, offers him a job. However, problems ensue when the man's granddaughter, who hates Manikkam, accuses him of misbehaving with her. ...
🎭 Director
Dr. Chandralekha, a grieving mother, asks an ex-army man David Kumar to rescue her son Gunasekaran who is locked-up in a military prison. But at the same time, the hideous criminal P. K. Roy appo ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Dr. Chandralekha, a grieving mother, asks an ex-army man David Kumar to rescue her son Gunasekaran who is locked-up in a military prison. But at the same time, the hideous criminal P. K. Roy appo ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Thangapandian, an honest forest officer, is transferred to a village. The village chief cuts illegally the sandalwood trees. Radha is brought up by her adoptive family. When she was young, her fa ...
👔 Director of Photography
🎭 Director of Photography
Twin brothers who were separated at a young age and raised in different environments meet each other after growing up. Their facial features create confusion for their respective love interests. ...