Películas dramáticas de Mohamed Rachid Benhadj

Películas de Mohamed Rachid Benhadj filtradas por género

👔 Director
🎭 Director
Inspired by the life of the Novel's Author Mohamed Choukri , For Bread Alone or El khoubz El Hafi , is one of the truest manifestations of the dark history that Morocco went through during and af ...
👔 Director
Mirka, un niño de diez años, una mañana de verano sube a las montañas, llama a la puerta de la casa, donde viven Elena y su abuela Kalsan, y les muestra un trozo de tela que revela cuál es s ...
👔 Writer
Mirka, un niño de diez años, una mañana de verano sube a las montañas, llama a la puerta de la casa, donde viven Elena y su abuela Kalsan, y les muestra un trozo de tela que revela cuál es s ...
🎭 Director
An oasis lost in the Saharan desert more than 700km from Algiers. A society still functioning on centuries-old rituals. The only connection to the city is a bus that passes once a day. Moussa, di ...
🎭 Editor
An oasis lost in the Saharan desert more than 700km from Algiers. A society still functioning on centuries-old rituals. The only connection to the city is a bus that passes once a day. Moussa, di ...
🎭 Writer
An oasis lost in the Saharan desert more than 700km from Algiers. A society still functioning on centuries-old rituals. The only connection to the city is a bus that passes once a day. Moussa, di ...