Comedias de Marie Michaud

Películas de Marie Michaud filtradas por género

🎭 Mademoiselle Sénécal
En una era de cambios de identidad, Jean-Michel, un hombre soltero de 70 años, ha perdido todo contacto con la sociedad y parece ya no tener mucho que esperar de la vida. En la residencia de anc ...
🎭 Leonore
Two harum-scarums who think they are good stand-up comics try to make a career in showbiz, partly for the career, partly to seduce women. They try alternatively the scene, a movie set and TV. The ...
🎭 Femme du logement inconnu
A young girl is orphaned when her nurturing grandmother enters a nursing. She is sent to live with her Bach-obsessed uncle, an organist preparing for an important recital. ...