Películas dramáticas de Mai Chau

Películas de Mai Chau filtradas por género

🎭 The nanny
In an old house in Hanoi, Bi, a 6-year-old child lives with his parents, his aunt and their cook. His favorite playgrounds are an ice factory and the wild grass along the river. After being absen ...
🎭 Shen
Melodrama romántico, ambientado en la Indochina francesa durante los años treinta, que narra los cambios que llevaron a la creación del Vietnam a partir de las ruinas del colonialismo. A la ho ...
🎭 Muoi Hoi's Wife
Tu Hau is a common woman from a fishing village whose husband has gone away to fight in the revolution. She takes care of her young daughter as well as her aging father-in-law. Soon, her peaceful ...
🎭 Mau's Wife
The story in the film is about the love between a man and a woman from the same village, Hoan and Can, who have two children together. But this love affair encountered many difficulties and press ...
Feature film on romance and social life of the minority ethnic in the Northwest of Vietnam. Mị and A Phủ, a Meo (Hmong) couple, freed themselves with the aid of communist leadership and joine ...