Documentales de Mago Nagasaka

Películas de Mago Nagasaka filtradas por género

🎭 Self
The film follows the humanitarian efforts of Mago, one of the most influential artists from Japan, who has tracked the world's flow of waste and recycling to the slums of Agbogbloshie in Accra, G ...
🎭 Executive Producer
The film follows the humanitarian efforts of Mago, one of the most influential artists from Japan, who has tracked the world's flow of waste and recycling to the slums of Agbogbloshie in Accra, G ...
🎭 Writer
The film follows the humanitarian efforts of Mago, one of the most influential artists from Japan, who has tracked the world's flow of waste and recycling to the slums of Agbogbloshie in Accra, G ...