Películas dramáticas de Luiz Pacini

Películas de Luiz Pacini filtradas por género

🎭 Advogado de Suzane (Julgamento)
See what Suzane von Richthofen, Daniel Cravinhos and Cristian Cravinhos did in the days following the brutal crime that led to the Richthofen couple's death. This film reveals crucial moments of ...
🎭 Seu Sousa
In the sequel to Turma da Mônica: Laços, we follow Mônica, Jimmy Five, Maggy and Smudge dealing with the consequences of a mistake made at school. At the same time, they face transformations f ...
🎭 Glauber
After running away from home in his youth, Túlio has grown adrift from his family. 40 years later he has to come home one last time to bury his parents and his brother and claim what now is his. ...