Películas dramáticas de Loris Omedes

Películas de Loris Omedes filtradas por género

🎭 Producer
Environmental drama set in Asturias, Spain. A Scottish travel writer is forced to stay in a valley town in northern Spain when his camper van breaks down. There he gets to know the different inha ...
🎭 Executive Producer
Mario, a young and uprooted Menorcan fisherman, falls in love with Irene, a Barcelona socialite who spends her holidays on the island with her young daughter. After the ambiguous initial relation ...
🎭 Sound Effects
In 1939, Ramón was a young man, caught up in his Barcelona family's involvement on the Republic side in the brutal Spanish Civil War. He and his family fled into exile ahead of Franco's troops. ...
🎭 Special Effects Manager
In 1939, Ramón was a young man, caught up in his Barcelona family's involvement on the Republic side in the brutal Spanish Civil War. He and his family fled into exile ahead of Franco's troops. ...