Películas dramáticas de Lili Farhadpour

Películas de Lili Farhadpour filtradas por género

🎭 Mahin
Mahin lives alone in Tehran since her husband’s death and her daughter’s departure for Europe, until an afternoon tea with friends leads her to break her solitary routine and revitalize her l ...
🎭 Mina's neighbour
Una mujer cuyo marido es ejecutado pasa por apuros a la hora de cuidar de su hija minusválida. Pese a sus problemas, la familia de su antiguo cónyuge insiste en que debe casarse con su hermano ...
🎭 Gity
Farhad tells the story of his life to a psychiatrist. In the time of the Iran-Iraq War, Farhad is arrested and charged with illegal migration. When he is freed years later, he goes to his old lov ...