Thrillers, películas de suspense de László Baranyai

Películas de László Baranyai filtradas por género

🎭 Editor
Lucy travels to an isolated house in the forest to wait for her sister. They have worked out a risky scheme for their future and all she needs to do is sit it out. However a sinister presence may ...
🎭 Cinematography
Lucy travels to an isolated house in the forest to wait for her sister. They have worked out a risky scheme for their future and all she needs to do is sit it out. However a sinister presence may ...
👔 Director of Photography
La tranquilidad de una ciudad australiana se ve trastornada tras los brutales asesinatos cometidos en un vagón de tren. En la investigación interviene un joven policía que se siente psicológi ...
🎭 Director of Photography