Películas dramáticas de Kishori Rajan

Películas de Kishori Rajan filtradas por género

🎭 Producer
Nola grew up living on a van with her father, Clint; two nomads against the world. When tragedy strikes, Nola must confront the reality of life on the road alone, learning to own her grief, her p ...
👔 Executive Producer
🎭 Producer
When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her father, Abe, a good and beloved farmer, is holding a wealthy man hostage in their abandoned silo in order to save their suffering farm, she befriends the ...
🎭 Production Manager
When their latest work is buffed by a rival crew, two determined graffiti writers embark on an elaborate plan to bomb the ultimate location: the New York Mets' Home Run Apple. ...