Películas dramáticas de Kinichi Kusumi

Películas de Kinichi Kusumi filtradas por género

🎭 Mayor
An eros drama depicting a poor man who seeks true love while drowning in the desires and pleasures of five women who flock to a millionaire man. Gohei who inherited his uncle's legacy and became ...
🎭 Hitoshi Suzuki, cameraman
🎭 Amamiya, entertainment writer
One day, a handsome young man with amnesia comes to visit his mother at a gay bar. He gives him the name Maya and lets him help out at the store, but his memory never returns. He is good at playi ...
🎭 Patron
Madoka Sawa, a one-woman hostess, faces off against Akira, who is competing for the most popular hostess spot at a gay bar in Shinjuku. Akira steals Kusumi, who was her sponsor, and ends up openi ...