Películas sobre crímenes Kim Song-il

Películas de Kim Song-il filtradas por género

🎭 Capital CEO
Jang Tae Yeong es un solucionador de problemas popular en el mundo criminal. Él es frío y ambicioso. Él sueña con construir un hotel de casino algún día. Un reportero luego va a Jang Tae Ye ...
🎭 Detective Kim
Major crimes unit detective Seong-jin arrests Tae-sung for petty crimes, but shocked to find out that he is the notorious serial killer. However, Seong-jin becomes doubtful of his identity as the ...
🎭 Korean Chinese
Dae-gil has been skilled with his hands and has shown a strong desire for winning ever since he was a child. He will succeed his uncle and jump into the world of Tazza, risking his life in compet ...