Películas dramáticas de Keyvan Moghaddam

Películas de Keyvan Moghaddam filtradas por género

🎭 Set Costumer
Ali, a blind man, is attempting to commit suicide when he is interrupted by the concierge of his building. He is informed that the police is in search of a woman who has escaped and hidden somewh ...
🎭 Production Design
The story of 12-year-old Ali and his three friends. Together they work hard to survive and support their families, doing small jobs in a garage and committing petty crimes to make fast money. In ...
👔 Production Design
👔 Production Design
👔 Art Direction
Emad y Rana deben dejar su piso en el centro de Teherán a causa de los trabajos que se están efectuando y que amenazan el edificio. Se instalan en otro lugar, pero un incidente relacionado con ...
🎭 Art Direction
An old couple decide to bring home their war veteran son from the hospital. Reza (their son) is angry to be home but something comes up to surprise them all. ...
👔 Production Design
👔 Production Design
🎭 Production Design
A married couple are faced with a difficult decision - to improve the life of their child by moving to another country or to stay in Iran and look after a deteriorating parent who has Alzheimer's ...
👔 Art Direction
👔 Costume Design
🎭 Art Direction
Akbar, 18, has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the age of sixteen. Now, Akbar is transferred to prison to await the day of his execution. A’la, a friend of Akbar, ...
🎭 Costume Design
Akbar, 18, has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the age of sixteen. Now, Akbar is transferred to prison to await the day of his execution. A’la, a friend of Akbar, ...
🎭 Art Direction
when streetwise Essi enlists the help of the morally ambiguous Haj Tofigh to get out of prison sentence for murder, he sets off in search of his fortune.Essi considers a shocking offer from Tofig ...
🎭 Costume Designer
when streetwise Essi enlists the help of the morally ambiguous Haj Tofigh to get out of prison sentence for murder, he sets off in search of his fortune.Essi considers a shocking offer from Tofig ...