Comedias de Katie Ann MacGregor

Películas de Katie Ann MacGregor filtradas por género

🎭 Art Direction
Max, a macho, solitary Rottweiler police dog is ordered to go undercover as a primped show dog in a prestigious Dog Show, along with his human partner, to avert a disaster from happening. ...
🎭 Art Direction
Jay is a former daytime TV star whose life has hit rock bottom until he meets his dream girl. Hannah is bright, beautiful and hates modern life. There's just one problem. How does Jay tell Hannah ...
👔 Art Direction
¿Puede haber algo peor que trabajar en nochevieja? Sí: que mientras estás currando tenga lugar el Apocalipsis Zombie. Eso es justamente lo que le ocurre al protagonista de Stalled, un pobre be ...